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Showing posts from April, 2021

Week 11 - Demo week!

 This week we presented our first demo to the class. We combined all the work we had completed up to this point into a single demo branch. We had room generation by Alex, the player controller by Landen, UI from Mulu, and enemy AI from Riley. Overall, we believe that are project did well during demo day. 

Week 10 - Room Generation and Enemy AI

Highlights of week 10 include complex room generation and enemy AI control.  Using a random number generator, rooms are created into branching sections that generate a new layout each time the game runs. We also have some very primitive AI that will be used to chase down our player With the first demo coming next week, the crunch time is real!

Week 7 and 8 Update

 For the past two weeks we have been making more progress in this game project. First, we all decided to split focus and look at some different pieces that we need to put together:  Landen decided to work on player movement and basic abilities, Riley decided to work on enemy movement and behaviors,  Mulualem decided to work on room layouts, and I, Alex, decided to work on basic random level generation. So far we've seen some good progress. The player character currently is able to move around a 3D space with the camera following it, and is able to shoot projectiles that stop after a set distance and don't go through walls. Basic enemy mechanics are nearly finished, and room layouts along with level generation will take a good chunk of time as there is a lot of work to be put into it.